Product Catalog

Caterpillar is a world leader in production of construction and mining equipment, running on natural gas and diesel, as well as industrial turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. The long history of the existence of brand is rich in innovation. The company uses advanced technologies to develop the best solutions, conducts research on the move methods of large volumes of materials with lower fuel costs and prepares solutions for autonomously controlled machines.

The main activity that brought recognition to the Komatsu brand is the production of construction equipment, machinery for the mining industry, industrial equipment and electronics. In addition, construction, real estate and cargo transportation fall into the company’s area of ​​interest. To date, the Komatsu Group includes 182 companies focused on the production of high-quality components and equipment for mining sphere and construction organizations.

“Made by Hitachi” is a guarantee of quality, the high level of which is achieved by ultrasonic testing of details, as well as checking the performance of the finished machine before shipment. Hitachi’s quality control department strictly controls every stage of production. There are employees who began their careers in the quality service and now work as assembly masters, procurement technologists and production control specialists.

NKMZ is a young-minded enterprise with rich experience in participating in large-scale projects of national and international scale. For more than eight decades at NKMZ have been formed design-construction and technological schools of developing unique and serial machines, many of which are masterpieces of world engineering. NKMZ provides the market with a wide range of new developments by constant improving of the products.

Michelin – one of the world’s leading tire manufacturers. Having begun conquering major markets more than a century ago, Michelin today has an exceptional geographic presence in the world and is rapidly developing in dynamically growing countries. Technological leadership, quality of products and services, operational efficiency – all this gives Michelin significant advantages in the production of tires for open and underground mining, quarries, industrial or port exploitation.

For many years, Shell has been working with mining companies around the world. Shell experts understand how important the smooth performance of machinery in mining enterprises is. The cost of lubricants is not more than 2% of the total cost of exploitation a mining truck or excavator. Moreover, every hour of downtime of these machines can cause multimillion-dollar losses. That is why, before proposing a solution, Shell specialists have been testing its effectiveness for several years under real operating conditions.

Our partners offers a wide range of pipelines designed for use in mining, gold mining and coal mining enterprises. Now our partners produces polyethylene pipes for the mining industry, as well as reinforced, steel and pre-insulated pipes on flanges and fittings connection. All pipelines are of the highest quality, have the appropriate certification and labeling.






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